Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Cecropia Moth Project, Day 4

We were able to find a new habitat for the 1st instar caterpillars, so now there will be plenty of space to move around when they get large (Cecropia caterpillars can grow to be the size of a human finger).

We filled the fish tank with dirt to combat the frass issue. It's either regular frass cleanings or sporadic dirt shiftings, so we went with the dirt shiftings. We also put a branch inside and lined it with the maple leaves. We're trying our best to simulate a natural environment. We included another wet paper towel at the bottom of the tank to keep things moist.

Today consisted of a lot of lounging around for the caterpillars followed by some gorging. We noticed that a few are starting to take on a yellow color, which may mean they are getting ready to ecdyse into the 2nd instar stage. They are now four days old.

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